Mark Simmons Shadows Washed in Blood


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1936 Mussolini’s Fascist State has Sicily in its grip, even the Mafia are subdued. Scott Bradford arrives on Sicily in search of the enigmatic Antonina Rashleigh, who he met in Devon then she vanished. He learns from her brother Dick that she has returned to Sicily. On the ferry from Naples to Palermo he is befriended by a young priest Carlo Miller. Both men are drawn into a web of murder and mystery that surrounds the British Rashleighs, a family who have made a fortune from the Marsala wine trade. But now the Fascists want the British out. Ben, patriarch of the Rashleighs, will not leave, his stubborn stand results in death stalking the family, but why.

This is the second of the Father Miller  Mystery’s.

Mark Simmons Shadows Washed in Blood: A Father Miller Mystery. Publisher Amazon 2021 softback 276 pages new


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