62 Years a Spurs Supporter

So we played Rangers again last night almost 62 years to the day and I have been supporting the Lillywhites that long. Nine years old I was living in Scotland in 1962 Dad was in the Navy serving on the submarine depot ship HMS Maidstone, at the Faslane Submarine base....

Nevil Shute Racing Driver !!!

The author Nevil Shute was many things in his varied life other than a much loved writer, who can forget classics like The Far Country or A Town like Alice. Nevil Shute Norway (17 January 1899 – 12 January 1960) was an English novelist and aeronautical...

The Raid on Taranto

‘Operation Judgement’. ‘During the attack a hundred thousand rounds were fired at us but only one aircraft was shot down in each wave. I got hit underneath by one half-inch machine gun bullet. It was the pilot’s job to aim the torpedo. Nobody was given a specific...

My five favourite fiction Espionage books.

1 The 39 Steps John Buchan. I think it has to be on everybody’s list written by Buchan while he was ill in bed at the start of the First World War and published in 1915. It has great pace and a riveting plot no wonder the soldiers in the trenches were enthralled, and...

Pickett’s Charge

The great American writer William Faulkner in his unique literary voice wrote of Pickett’s charge in his novel Intruder in the Dust and tells us the whole South wanted and still wants to be there at Gettysburg on the 3 July 1863: ‘…the brigades are in position...

D-Day Commandos

D-Day Commando The Story of 48 Commando Royal Marines, on the 6th of June 1944.  48 Royal Marine Commando was the last such unit to be formed in World War Two, and the first to land on D-Day.    Lance-Corporal Ted Brooks arrived on Nan Red Beach on the...