With Sadness

They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. Yet a cover can make a significant difference. Which was the case with my forth book The Battle of Matapan 1941which was published in 2011. The cover was based on the painting of maritime artist Dennis Andrews. Known as...

Petrol Heads Unite

Away from writing one of my main interests is motoring, motor racing, and model cars. For many years I have been a keen member of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club www.aroc-uk.com and have written several articles for the club magazine Alfa Romeo Driver. There I said away...

Ideas: Where do they come from?

That is a question that often comes up when I meet readers at various events. It is often a surprisingly difficult question to answer. As when asked this question it is often naturally about the book I am promoting at the time or even one from my back list. Whereas at...

On Its way. Another edition of my bestseller.

The publishers Casemate are about to release a paperback edition of my best selling Ian Fleming and Operation Golden Eye: Spies, Scoundrels, and Envoys Keeping Spain out of World War II. Had Spanish dictator Francisco Franco decided to abandon Spain’s neutral stance,...