Palestine Patrol

   The problems of Palestine, long before it became the modern State of Israel, had begun decades before 1920 when Britain was granted a mandate over the country after World War I. Ratified by the League of Nations in 1922 which terminated in 1948. In those...

The Joys of Publishing with Amazon KDP.

   We produced new paperback editions of The Serpent and the Cross, Shadows Washed in Blood, Room 39: And the Cornish Legacy, and From the Foam of the Sea. Three of them also as e-books, we did have some glitches with this but overcame them. The covers were...

Obituary John Mussell

I Knew John Mussell, although we never met, for over twenty years since my first article appeared in Medal News in 2002 and I went on to write dozens more. He was always a ‘gent’ and great to work with. I would like to express my condolences to his Wife...

Agent Cicero

And D-Day Betrayed? Were the D-Day landings ‘Operation Neptune’ betrayed? The popular view is they were not. Rather more it is felt through the British ‘Double-Cross System’, through their double agents fed the Germans a huge amount of miss-information which they...

A run through the Southern States.

Two English officers see the American Civil War    Henry Charles Fletcher of the Scots Fusilier Guards (now Scots Guards) in November 1862, in just a few weeks travelling largely by rail, covered an immense distance through the Southern States.  It was...

Coming Soon my New Book

Coming Soon my New Book Memories and  Echoes: A Brits Journey into the American Civil War. For over thirty years my wife Margaret and I have been travelling to the USA. During that time we explored the background of the Civil War visiting all the major sites and...

Terrific Writer Re-Assessed

Gavin Lyall Gavin Lyall was born in Birmingham in 1932. He completed National Service 1951-1953 as a pilot officer in the RAF flying Gloster Meteors, after that he went to Cambridge and graduated in 1956 with honours in English. He went on to write for several...

What’s in a Name

James Bond Where did 007’s name come from? According to C.H. Forster of the Ministry of Aircraft Production, on hearing from Ian Fleming toward the end of World War II that he was writing a book, he asked how he would choose the characters names. Fleming, he says,...